Urban Labor and Housing Markets
Urban Labor and Housing Markets (Urbane Arbeits- und Wohnungsmärkte)
- Master, 5 ECTS
- Course type: Lecture (2 SWS)
- Module number: 57477
- Exam number: 43281 (Written Exam 80%, Presentation 20%)
- Offered: Winter Semester 2024/25
- Lecturer: Dr. Andreas Mense, Dipl.-Pol. (IAB)
- Language: English
- Lecture (WS 2024/25): Mondays 9:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. (starting on October 21, 2024), Findelgasse 7/9, Room FG 3.023
Course content: Empirical evidence on urban labor markets and their interaction with the local housing market; empirical evidence on housing policies and their effects on the labor market, labor supply, residential location choices, and individual labor market biographies
Learning objectives and skills:
At the end of this course,
- Students understand and apply the main economic concepts used to study urban labor and housing markets
- Students are able to understand, assess, and discuss selected recent empirical research papers on the topic
- Students understand specific features of urban labor markets, and how they interact with the local housing market
- Students are able to discuss pros and cons of important housing policies, and in particular their interactions with the labor market, based on the empirical evidence
Syllabus (WS 2024/25): Syllabus WS 2024/25
Integration in Master curriculum: 2nd semester or later
Module compatibility (module number: 57477)
- Master of Economics (MSE): Specialization
- Master Labor Market and Human Resources (Arbeitsmarkt und Personal): Elective (Wahlbereich)
- Master Socioeconomics (Sozialökonomie): Schwerpunktbereich, SozÖk Vertiefungsbereich, Freier Vertiefungsbereich
Method of Examination: Written exam (60 minutes) and presentation during the lecture; the written exam must be passed individually
Grading procedure (Exam Number 43281): Written exam 80%, presentation 20%