Project Seminar in Socioeconomics I + II
Project in Socioeconomics I + II
(Sozialökonomisches Projektseminar I + II), Master (Socioeconomics)
SoSe Seminar I: 5 ECTS, WiSe Seminar II: 10 ECTS
Compulsory course for the Master of Socioeconomics
Course Title: Project in Social Economics I + II
Course Type: Master Seminar
Offered: Starts annually in the Summer Semester with Part II continuing in the Winter Semester
Length: 2 Semesters
Language: German
Contact person (SS 25 + WS 25/26): Ramona Müller, M.Sc.
Content: Implementation of an empirical research project in small groups
Topic in SS 2024 + WS 2024/25: “Stadtstruktur im Wandel: Die Folgen kriegsbedingter Schäden für sozialräumliche Entwicklungen in einer deutschen Metropole” (Urban structure in transition: The consequences of war-related damage for socio-spatial developments in a German metropolitan city).
- Topic Introduction (in German): Projektseminar_2526_Wrede
Educational Objectives and Skills:
- The seminar aims on gaining information and knowledge about discrimination and its possible appearance in the public sector. The focus is set on two questions:
- Does discrimination in supply of public services exist? Which kinds of discrimination are possible and expected?
- Is it possible to identify factors influencing discrimination?
Examination requirements
- Written elaboration and presentations (in Summer Semester)
- Final report (in Winter Semester)
The large part of the requirements consists of team work.
As accompanying methodological course, the module “Methods II: Topics in Empirical Research Methods” (Prof. Abraham) is highly recommended.
Relevant course information will be available on StudOn. Please register for the course in StudOn to directly receive emails from us and to access important course information via StudOn.